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A Delegation from Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies Visited SBS for Exchanges on Foreign Aid Training Work

creation date:2023-03-30

On the morning of March 30, a 7-people delegation from Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies, including Rao Jianhua (a member of the College Party Committee), Ru Jun (Dean of College of Business Administration, also the College of Tourism), Ning Xiaoque (Director of Continuing Education Department, also the Training Center), etc., visited SBS for exchanges on foreign aid training work. Vice Dean Dai Ying of the International Education College of SBS presided over the research and exchange meeting. 

Meeting Site

Ms. Dai Ying expressed a warm welcome to the delegation, and introduced the main work content and important achievements of SBS’ foreign aid training from four aspects – SBS’s situation, foreign aid training, work results and 2023 work vision. Afterwards, both sides exchanged and interacted with each other on teaching platform R&D, project financial management, curriculum system construction, and establishment of cooperative education models. 

Speech by Dai Ying

Mr. Rao Jianhua introduced the general situation of their foreign aid training work and the main existing problems. He said that through this meeting, he further understood the SBS’s experience in foreign aid training, and hoped to learn from SBS’s experience, create special courses integrated with Jiangxi culture, build a government-enterprise-university linkage platform upon industry advantages, and build a brand of foreign aid training in Jiangxi base. 

Speech by Rao Jianhua

Dai Ying responded to related discussions and made concluding remarks. She indicated that the meeting provided more comprehensive and in-depth cooperation ideas and directions for the development of foreign aid training work between the two sides. It is expected that both sides can further strengthen cooperation, deepen exchanges and mutual learning, and share resources and information, so as to make greater contributions together to promote China’s foreign aid training to a new level.

Written by: Zhang Xinyue

Photos by: Ni Haorao

Reviewed by: Chen Wei